
Dunia milik kita bersama ♥♥

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Never trust when you are not certain.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

pelam celik pejam celik,,dh ramadhan dh pon...hopefully this will be the last ramadhan i had in Malaysia bcoz     i really want to go to Korea!!!!I really want to further my study there n have some new experiences there...i hope it will be awesome,,InsyaAllah....

Tuesday 10 July 2012

ujian n nikmat

 npe manusia susah nak bersyukur ngan segale nikmat yg tuhan bagi???sbb kite ni terlalu tamak n klu bley sume bnde yg baek2 kite nk...tpi kdg2 kite sedar x yg pde mata kite baek sbnr nyer akn membawa mudarat pde kite someday..penah x bile kite ditimpa sesuatu musibah n then kite menganggap yg musibah 2 Allah beri pde kite sbg permulaan utk segale nikmat yg akn Allah bagi satu arie nnti???

mgkin penah skali 2x...tpi selalu nyer kite msti akn merungut n mempersoalkn npe sume bnde 2 jdi pde kite n bkn owg laen...slh sbnr nyer,,sbb sume owg ade bhgian die msg2,,Allah 2 Maha Mengetahui jdi hanya Dia yg tau ujian jenis ape yg die patot bgi pde hambe nyer,,sbb Dia yg mencipta kite..

Sbg analogi nyer,,ade sowg mak..die bru pas shopping kat mall..die bli byk brg..satu beg plstik bsr n satu agi beg plstik kecik...n die ade 2 owg ank..sowg 2 dh bsr n sowg agi bru drjh 3...rse2 nyer mak 2 nk soh ank die yg mne bawakn beg plstik yg besar???yg kecik 2 ke??or yg dh bsr 2???msti lar yg bsr 2 arn,,klu sye x bgi jwpn pon msti sume owg dh tau...sbb mak 2 dh tau klu die soh ank yg kecik 2 bawak beg plastik yg bsr n brt 2 mne lar ank die 2 mampu...

Sme lar gak yg Allah..Dia yg cipta kita jdi die tau lar setakat mne kemampuan hmbe2 die...Jdi bile tuhan menguji kite ngan sesuatu perkara 2 mkne nyer kite mmg bley hadapi mslh 2 ngan senang klu kite byk kn bersabar n berfikir..bkn nyer termenung n mengeluh saje tntg naseb hidup kite...Ingat lar,,sesungguh nyer Allah x akn mengubah naseb sesuatu kaum 2 melainkan mereka sendiri yg berusaha utk mengubah nseb mereka...

So,,bile kite ditimpe kesusahan,kesedihan mahupon kesakitan...bangkitkn diri n terus hadapi nyer dgn keberanian n keyakinan bahawa Allah sentiasa berada dgn owg2 yg sentiasa taat n ingat pdeNya..InsyaAllah...

Monday 9 July 2012

wat a sweet day!!!

Today everything seems juz nice n fun...i think my relationship wit my classmate also have getting better..thx 2 my 3 weeks partner!!Seriously i never wondered that 1 day i will be here n having all these beautiful memories...Maybe sumtimes it is horibble n confusing but then i think all those annoying n horrible thing teached me how 2 facing my future..Sumtimes maybe i too pndg rendah on myself,that is y i felt like there is no joys in my life..n i think everything is bad 2 me...But Allah is too justice,,mybe yesterday,,i sad,,but today He gaves me the thing that i really want all this while..of course it's makes me feel so hepy!!!=>

So yorobun!!!juz enjoy ur life k????!!!!

Sunday 8 July 2012

my korean fwen i really have nothing 2 do..juz alone at home but this give me the chance 2 muhasabah myself n think back about everything that i have done whole this week..2 many sins that i have God will forgive me on all the thing that i have done..this week on my bufday,,i never thought that i will got a fwen from KOREA,,it is awesome but i think it is a little bit difficult 4 me 2 communicate wit him as he cannot talk in bi..i dont mind if he want 2 use broken english but the problem is he dont even know how 2 spek using juz broken english..actually he can talk in english but he dont have the braveness 2 do bcoz of that sometimes when he talk in bi he's like mumbling...hmm..its ok..i will 2 understand him is great if i can talk in korean fluently

Friday 6 July 2012

wat a tired week..

life isnt like wat u plan it 2 be..but still u have 2 face anything that happen patiently n strongly or else u might ruin the entire of ur life n when u r getting older u will regret it n 4 sure there is no more chances 4 u 2 change ur when life getting harder  n harder juz enjoy it n take it as the test from God..we only can know how is our IMAN today by facing all the test n obstacle..which then we can muhasabah diri n improve our life so then future will be better than now or yesterday...
Maybe some people might take the obstacle as the disaster that they really hate but 4 me that obstacle n test will be as my memories also as guide on the future..sure,of course we have to take our past as a lesson that will make our future more better than our past..
So Czah!!!juz forget the bitter in ur life n live happily as wat u want ur life 2 be.So cheer up!!!

Dan ada di antara manusia yang menyembah Allah dengan sikap dan pendirian yang tidak tetap, iaitu kalau ia beroleh kebaikan, senanglah hatinya dengan keadaan itu; dan kalau pula ia ditimpa fitnah kesusahan, berbaliklah ia semula (kepada kekufurannya). (Dengan sikapnya itu) rugilah ia akan dunia dan akhirat, itulah kerugian yang terang nyata. Ia menyeru dan menyembah makhluk-makhluk yang lain dari Allah, yang tidak dapat membahayakannya dan tidak dapat mendatangkan kebaikan kepadanya; itulah kesesatan yang jauh terpesong. Ia menyeru dan menyembah makhluk yang (dengan perbuatan demikian) mudaratnya lebih dekat dari manfaat yang diharapkannya; demi sesungguhnya seburuk-buruk penolong dan seburuk-buruk sahabat karib ialah makhluk yang diseru dan disembahnya itu. AlHajj :11-13
